Friday, June 17, 2011

Damn Genetically Modified Nature, You Scary!

Apparently we now have cows that produce human breast milk. Yes you heard me correctly, that was not a typo.
In China, this human breast milk is being produced because it is more nutritional than cow milk. Though this is true, human breast milk also contains more fat than cow milk, and yes they are "good fats" but for infants; humans can get healthy fats from various other sources.  In the video they say we should focus on feeding the world rather than think about morals, but personally I feel that this is just one of those unnecessary scientific experiments created in order to test another yet way we can manipulate the human genome.

Here's the video:

 So what do you guys think about this? Creepy, cool, useful, one step closer to creating that creature from the movie Splice? Leave your opinion in the comments below please.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


The Big Apple BBQ Block Party

Last weekend was the 9th annual Big Apple BBQ, and yes it was as awesome as it sounds! it was from 12-6 pm but I showed up around 2 pm, and amazingly there was still plenty of food left. The event took place in Madison Square Park as well as a few blocks bordering it. It was spilt up into three sections: one part was the beer/alcohol area, it was also where the stage and performers were (which underage people like myself did not appreciate); the next part was the sponsor area where they had a ton of free stuff; and the third part was the BBQ area where cooks from all over the country were selling smoky deliciousness.

I had ribs and they were honestly the best ribs I've ever had-this coming from someone who is generally not a red meat enthusiast. One of the best parts of this event is that all the prices are standard; every plate from every vendor was $8 and deserts were $4. This made it easy to decide how much to bring, and decisions can be solely based on the food's appeal not how much it costs.
This is the amount of coal it took to run a single stand (but then again this was taken mid-day...)
In the sponsor section, there were tons of free beverage samples like...

Iced Tea!

Hot Sauce

and Snapple

For desert I got...
Blueberry Crumb Cake with Ice Cream
It was delicious and if you are someone who doesn’t like marmalade or fruity desserts, you will still love this. The ice cream balances out the fruitiness and it taste creamy.

I also got ...
A blondie (or non-chocolate version of a brownie)

It was also delicious but by then me and my sister were so full we could barley finish it. It wasn’t hard, the edges were crunchy but the inside was nice and soft (it also had chocolate chips). They  had fried pie that we did not get to try because this was the line

enough said.
Next year I will be sure to tell you guys a few weeks in advance so you can attend too. In the future I will also post various other food events in the area.

Until next time :D


Hey guys, so this is my first official post ( and I'm all giddy- yes that is still a word). So first of all I just wanted you guys to know  about this blog. Its from my point of view; as a teenager living in NYC but it will include other places I travel and cool stuff that is not just about the city. Look forward to lots of spots you can hit up in the city, as well as tons of food related posts (cuz I love grub), even makeup reviews, reviews in general, occasional posts on scientific news, and opinion articles; I'm also always open to suggestions.

In my blog I will be writing about anything that life hurls my way, and as is human nature, you will laugh as I am hurled at. So without further adieu, this sentence here marks the beginning of a wonderful mutual relationship between us two.
                                                          Mi city, es tu city.